Sunday, June 21, 2009

hombre de Dios

"but you, man of God, run from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. fight the good fight of the faith." 1 Timothy 6:11-12

What a great weekend we've had with these kiddos! There have been some challenges (communication, lack of discipline, etc)... But they are still kids who has great joy and innocence, if unseen at first. It has been funny to watch how certain things cross cultural boundaries simply because were human; for example, most have never been to a pool before, but within minutes they are doing flips, running on the deck, pushing, splashing, cannonballing, etc... it's a silly example, but it's true in other ways.

Last night, my cabin of guys, including Zack and Ryan, led a conversation through Dan about what it means to be un hombre de Dios - man of God. We started by asking what a man of Nicaragua was like (what does he do, how does he act, how does he treat his family?)... Based in their experiwnce, their answers:

He works hard
He usually drinks and uses drugs
He is not at home much
He leaves when there is trouble
He hits women / his spouse
He does not accept responsibility

Then we discussed the traits of Jesus and compared them. They all decided that they want to be like Jesus, not like what they have seen... We then ended by reading this passage from Timothy and as we read, Dan explained, you don't run from your responsibilities or prolems, you run from godlessness... And you don't fight women, you fight the devil and fight for your faith.

At the same time, our girls were talking with their Nico girls about being a woman of God... And as I looked over at them towards the end, I saw WAC of our girls, with one little girl, holding hands and praying - beautiful!

We have tried all weekend to communicate that these young boys and girls are princes and princesses in the eyes of God! I'll post some photos later of some self-portraits they drew in this regard.

We will have a half day with the kiddos and then take them back to La Chureca - sobering to think we'll be turning towards home as they do, but our homes are so different. We will take time to pray that they will all continue to grow in knowledge and love of their heavenly Father... Appropriate on Father's Day!

Please pray doe these young boys and girls, that they may continue in this way... And please pray for our team, that as we begin our debriefing process, God speaks clearly about the changes he desires in our lives.

Have a great Father's Day all you dads... Phone calls coming between 1-2... :-)
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