Wednesday, June 17, 2009

longing for sons and daughters of God

"we know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time." Romans 8:22

The scriptures present the sons and daughters of God as the ones for which all creation awaits; so that the humans made in God's image may too become adopted children of God... so that the creation may be restored on earth as it is in heaven. Let that sink in for a moment... People and creation " in eager expectation" for God's children to step up.

Yesterday these verses were given new meaning as we saw both people longing for redemption, to discover their identity as sons and daughters of God, as well as creation longing for restoration. And what blew us away is that God is already doing it! We were able to meet an sit with a few families that have met Jesus through Dan's work here and are in process of allowing Christ to bring them life.

A young girl who has an amazing artistic gift who has just received a scholarship to go to school for her art.

An older lady who has built and maintained one of the most beautiful tropical gardens you could ever see, in the middle of the dump... Bananas, orchids, exotic flowers - simply unbelievable!

An older couple who have recently met Jesus, been freed from a cycle of physical, drug & alcohol abuse... Now expecting a baby in August... The man is working nights to provide and would not allow us to stand on his porch - he wanted us to sit, so he gathered rocks, buckets, chairs, etc for his guests.

We also were able to visit numerous ministries that have sprung up over the last few years - teaching young children a trade and educating them, feeding and caring for babies & toddlers while their parents are in the dump, a few different homes to young girls... God is doing so much through his sons and daughters down here to reveal to all hi people that they too are his sons and daughters!

Today, we will once again be in La Chureca, but spending a considerable amount of time in prayer, in strategic locations... Much like watchmen on the spiritual walls of Jerusalem, we will intercede for these people and their land (see Isaiah 62:1-7)

Perhaps you'll join us in prayer today?

1 comment:

  1. You all are so amazing! We are certainly praying for you and keeping you in our thoughts back home, God bless you all!

    -Heather Cook
